So hottie but actually talented Gerard Butler is back at it as Secret Service Agent Mike protecting President Benjamin Asher once again. The Prime Minister of London dies, and his funeral is being attended by the world's leaders in London. Only this is a trap...for President Asher.
I won't spoil the movie but I gasped, covered my mouth, and cried a FEW times. Characters I'm attached to from the first film are sacrificed. But this is ONE good script, movie production, and acting. It just doesn't feel like a 5 star movie, but it's still amazing as far as action films go. It's got such heart.
Morgan Freeman, Angela Bassett, and Melissa Leo are back from the original. All in believable roles that really draw you in.
It surpasses the first because of how it stands out in locale I think. At the time of Olympus Has Fallen and White House Down came out at around the same time. I LOVED both films but OHF had more maturity than WHD even though I loved WHD more. London Has Fallen got me though. Really was engaged in every second of the movie.
Worth seeing on the big screen.