Lemme calm down for a damn minute. OK first off white people STOP WRITING THE N WORD IN MOVIES! It's not okay for you to call us that in movies and it's not okay for you to make our characters call each other that in movies. AGAIN WHITE PEOPLE, STOP WRITING THE N WORD IN MOVIES! Second this movie SO BADLY wants to be Robert DeNiro & Al Pacino's "Heat" mixed with George Clooney's "Oceans 11" so bad, but where it fails aside from the n word is it's written by two frat boy minded men in midlife crisis who think they are being clever. This movie is as uneven as this damn movie pic. One minute it's giving you explicit, precise detail the next it's glossing over things you want detail for. The ending was suppose to be "OH DAMN" but I was more like "Boy bye."
This isn't a spoiler but Gerard Butler's character is a thug with a badge. Not only that but we're suppose to like him cuz he has a wife and two daughters OOPS he cheated on his wife with a stripper OOPS he texted his wife a sexy message instead of the stripper OOPS she's leaving him...but he's a good dad and he won't hit his wife back when she unleashes on him. UGH just stop. His character "Big Nick" never apologizes to his wife for cheating, never admits to his kids he's a messed up dude, and has hatred and BEATS UP the weakest character in the movie more than he does his "sworn enemy." This is one of a few movies I was rooting for the bad guys.
The bad guys. They are written as street smart, but when they do a bank robbery in broad daylight they don't even shut the blinds FIRST. Again I'm a detail person and "Oceans 11" screenwriter Ted Griffin woulda made sure them blinds were closed (and so the hell wouldn't Michael Mann in "Heat") but they shot out the security cameras first thing. HUH?!
Again the movie is uneven written in a rushed way without anyone proofing it to say "Okay you're missing this." Or the DIRECTOR catching it. When the blinds did close it looked like the STAR of the show my brilliant actor future ex-husband Pablo Schreiber.
I could write a review JUST on him. This man can take a lump of shit and turn it into an Oscar reel. EVERY TIME he was onscreen I thought I was watching a teacher teaching ERYONE how to act. What a brilliant method actor. I swear he will win an Oscar in his career. Guaranteed Oscar winner Pablo Schreiber will happen...not from this movie but in his career.
Now for the other actors they do bring their A game, but poor Gerard Butler. I dunno if it was the character or his real self but that man looked TIIIIIIIIIIIIRED! He's 15 years younger than Liam Neeson and he looked winded from running. Oh and the women in this film. O'Shea Jackson Jr and 50 Cent are good as are Kaiwi Lyman-Mersereau and Mo McRae (my new bae). Now remember I said midlife crisis men? Women in this movie are either strippers, strippers that sleep with men cuz their men told them to, or Nick's ex. THAT'S IT! What KILLED me is Christian Gudegast, son of soap actor Eric Braeden (who has a small cameo) from my fave soap "The Young & The Restless" wrote the amazing London Has Fallen. I LOVED THAT MOVIE! So for him to write this half-assed movie I am very disappointed. That screenwriter's abilities don't exist in this movie AT ALL.
I do have to thank Christian. Y'all know I'm a tween girl so I was of course drooling over Pablo's obvious sexiness, but I think by mistake a few times Christian steadied that camera right on Mo and Kaiwi's perfect asses. I mean DAYUM! Gerard got nothing, but I kid you not he did it on purpose to make up for the tits and ass in this movie from women. Both men are fully clothed but Mo's butt in jeans and Kaiwi's in khaki's made a bish sweat hahaha hey if he can objectify women I will objectify these hot pieces of heaven on two legs. (fans self) WOW! Oh and they can act too...or whatever hahaha Ps don't tell Pablo I was staring.
I am standing by my 3 stars, slapping Christian and Paul on the wrists, and smacking them upside the head for using the N word in 2018 where our President calls countries like Haiti a "shithole." HOLLYWOOD, STOP USING THE N WORD!