I call this "A Quiet Place" with blindfolds...but good. I will give this an easy 5 out of 5 stars.
Sandra Bullock is Malorie, a woman with 2 kids in a post apocalyptic where, where if you look directly at the creatures on Earth they will make you commit suicide. The beginning starts off with her using a rope to get her and the kids to a boat. The boat is on the river with supplies and if flashes back to how their lives came to be and where they are going.
So good. I loved every second of it. When characters did dumb things, they were called out. John Malkovich, Rosa Salazar, and Trevante Rhodes (shivers) co-star. But seeing Machine Gun Kelly...dang. Homeboy is made for movies. Tall skinny and white yet for some reason I couldn't wait till he was in a scene. The camera loves him...and so did I haha he's got a supporting role, but still very good.
Everyone is all creeped out...listen it's more suspenseful than anything. Very good movie though. Highly recommend.