So I watched both #PetSematary films. The original was scary, but the remake is WAY MORE terrifying.
Reason being: set up. The set up for the original is non-existent. We get into it and bam we're in the thick of it. The set up for the remake is absolutely inhumane. I BAWLED in this movie like real tears but the writers got me so attached to a character. Such a brilliant way to do this.
I won't give away spoilers but it's not scary, it's beyond creepy, this movie is terrifying. It gets into your head as you know the difference between what clearly is right and wrong, but you get sucked into the debate of the characters. And Church is a much bigger role in the movie which adds to the terror. They did pay homage to the original version in the remake, but still the remake is better.
I will say Jason Clarke was the Miko Hughes of this version. Miko's Gage was the STAR of "Pet Sematary." Jason's Louis was the star of the new version.
I will say Jason Clarke was the Miko Hughes of this version. Miko's Gage was the STAR of "Pet Sematary." Jason's Louis was the star of the new version.
VERY well done. Add this to the list of movies better than the original. This movie is easily 5 stars out of 5!