So I have been dealing with alot of strife lately. I haven't been blogging like I should.
One I found out my kid brother Brett died. Then I started talking to Jamie again (which is awesome!). Then I forgave my aunt whom I've been upset with for over 15 years. I can't find a better paying job. And finally my roommate is a tool LOL
All this at once has taken a toll on me. Especially the roommate part. Chris was one of my best friends but slowly he's just slipped. Disrespecting my landlord and threatening to take legal action against him shoulda raised that red flag higher (the landlord to Chris' credit was dragging his feet on an issue but Chris SHOULDN'T have used threats to intimidate). Then he would do little things around the apt like not flush the toilet, taking out trash but not putting in another bag, running dishwasher not emptying, whenever his guests (aka hookups) come over they take precedent over me (example I was standing outside in the cold ringing the doorbell and he was too busy screwing to let me in and when I came in he said he didn't "hear" the doorbell right by his bedroom door). The final straw was his bf of two months putting his toothbrush in our toothbrush holder. I know it sounds little but I have personal space issues. We have plenty of counter space in our bathroom do NOT put your new beau's toothbrush in my personal space. He is not a renter nor does he live here. ALTHOUGH he brings him here every weekend which is annoying. I don't want Chris here why would I want his new beau? And yes it's two months not FOUR like he claims. The doorbell incident happened in Dec they made it "official" in Feb. It's MARCH! He was hooking up with more guys in January even.
The thing that most bugs me about Chris is not that he has a bf but whom he is with one. He turns into the person my friends and I make fun of. The person who spends every free moment they have with their bf. The one who puts them above EVERYONE else. And the one who doesn't listen when you tell them the truth. I flat out told Chris what he's clingy and how he acts when his hookups or bfs are around and if he doesn't want to lose more friends to stop it. He didn't listen and has lost his other best friend AND me. It's unfortunate because when/if they break up he literally will be down two friends in his life.
I feel I didn't lose much. I know that sounds harsh but after listing just a FEW things he doesn't do so great when I was dealing with Brett's death I asked if he could be around that Sunday for brunch and movies with me. He agreed and then blew me off till returning Tuesday. He sent me a LAME IM from his bedroom saying he forgot and spent the weekend in a hotel to think about things. I was born AT night not LAST night. He went to see his bf in NY and THATS where he spent the weekend. He lied to save face. That was when he lost my friendship. And he's been a dick ever since.
In the interest of full disclosure I let him know. I didn't name call or talk down to him I was honest about what he does and how that upsets me...but I even removed most emotion and just said "be a good roommate. Clean up after yourself and your guests..." Basic stuff. Do you think he has? He moved my dvds/shelves into the living room where his flat screen TV was. AWESOME I love my new living room to be honest. But he left a mess in the living room that I had to clean up. Even putting his utensils (since he's mad at me he's going to use his own utensils and dishes) he disrupted MY flow in my cabinetry LOL I'm not trying to be OCD but at least make it a noninconvenience. The only reason he ran the dishwasher was to wash HIS stuff and then he didnt even put them away.
I've basically had it and am screening new roommates for June 1. Already talked to my landlord who said its MY apartment and I brought Chris in the loop so if I want him out I need to get him out myself. When the landlord sends me the rental agreement I will let him know he's not invited to stay and has to leave June 1. He will NOT be surprised at all. I just can't have him here anymore. He stresses me out when I come home and I need to relax. Too bad too.
One of my friends said I should get dirt on him to force him to leave...I already have plenty but I'm not that person. What does that solve? Me threatening him with the things I know about him will only make me like him and how he attacked my landlord. That's not whom I am or want to be.