
Directed by the man whom directed "Forrest Gump" and "Polar Express" Robert Zemeckis takes us on the story of Captain William "Whip" Whitaker the pilot of a plane that's about to crash and how he manages the plane to a safe descend. Sounds heroic right?

Denzil Washington portrays Whip who's a functioning alcoholic pilot. You read that right. The crux of the story is was he drunk when he landed the plane and if so how drunk and what will happen to him and those around him if he's found guilty of piloting a plane drunk. Could he be the cause of the crash? Juxtapose is a story about a young girl trying to overcome her drug addiction.

This is a Denzil we've never seen. Out of shape. Boozy. And just a hot damn mess all the way around. And I couldn't picture ANYONE playing this character other than him. He's so brilliant I see another Oscar nomination in his future. If not there's something wrong with the Academy. He was BRILLIANT! His character is that friend you say "Get out of your own way" before violently shaking them as they make mistake after mistake.

Most hated the storyline. I didn't mind it. It was nothing like I thought it would be though, but I still liked it.

...my older posts