Melissa McCarthy plays the computer tech for the CIA. She's partnered up with Field Agent Jude Law. When Jude's character gets killed trying to take down Rose Byrne's character boss Allison Janney decides to send in Melissa as an unrecognized agent since Rose's character is targeting ALL the active Field Agents including Jason Statham.
This movie sounds like your average spy comedy right? But Melissa isn't Hollywood standards beautiful or size-wise. And that is the difference...the hilarious difference. It's something she knows, we know, and the filmmakers know. They don't run from it, shy away from it, or hide it. Nor do they play it up. A simple footchase scene and Melissa gets winded. A simple fight scene and Melissa uses her weight to her advantage.
If you want a great summer comedy go see this movie. You will love it and Melissa.