Writer Mindy Kaling is Molly, an aspiring comic working at a chemical factory in Pennsylvania. Molly gets a chance to interview for "Tonight with Katherine Newbury" when Katherine (Emma Thompson) tells her producer Brad (Denis O'Hare) to hire "a woman" to help punch up the show as the network boss Caroline Morton (Amy Ryan) is intent on cancelling Katherine and replacing her with upcoming comic Daniel Tenant (Ike Barinholtz). Molly's presence turns out the shot in the arm both the show and Katherine needs. But the real question becomes is this really what Molly wants.
Typically I don't like Mindy's humor, but I ate my words with this film. Mindy's script is funny, real, and flawless. Easily 5 stars out of 5. It's not just about empowering women, but it's a funny movie about flawed characters. The acting is great. I love that Hugh Dancy, usually the leading man, plays a cad and Reid Scott plays a good guy. Nice switch! Go see this.