Little Fires Everywhere

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If you aren't watching "Little Fires Everywhere" on Hulu, you are missing out on some great TV. Easily 5 stars out of 5.

Kerry Washington is single, grifter mom Mia Warren whom along with her daughter Pearl moves to Shaker, OH in the mid 1990s. She rents one side of a duplex from WASPy Elena Richardson (Reese Witherspoon). Elena is that white, well-to-do woman who says she isn't racist, but does things to contradict that statement. 

I know that Elena is suppose to be the villainess, but in my opinion Mia shares equal billing. There are 4 episodes of 8 with one being released every Wednesday. Catch up. The characters are engaging, well-drawn out, and relatable. Plus you get to see Joshua Jackson in his tighty whities. hehe LOVE YOU, PACEY!!!! older posts