the one about the John Stamos/Ron Carlivati twitter war

So I don't know if anyone knows about the John Stamos/Ron Carlivati twitter war (Ron is the Headwriter at the ABC soap "General Hospital.") See the picture as to what happened. Let me preface John is answering a fan as to when he will be back on GH (He played Blackie Parrish from 1982-1984; there's been a resurgence of former characters on the soap). Now here are my thoughts...

At first I was just disgusted by Ron and his "bulliness" after further research I must admit I was wrong and for that I do apologize. Ron is not a bully actually JOHN is. BUT I do not apologize for calling them both unprofessional and douchebags. Ok so douchebags is a little harsh but as a fan I am PISSED!

Ron was defending himself because John called him out AND called him a damn "sociopath" in another tweet that has since been deleted. BUT John should've said to the fan "Wires got crossed unfortunately maybe in the future." It's professional and the truth. Instead John acted like Elton John insulting Madonna AND the thing about Twitter is ANYONE can see what you wrote so other fans like myself got involved. Granted this is not a big deal in the grand scheme of life, but lemme tell you something given John & Ron's attitude I want nothing to do with EITHER of their projects. I will not support either. Ron, being a frackin adult, should not have responded to John...not once but twice. And Ron kept it going by posting about it:

Ron is being messy (new slang for being drunk OR causing drama). I tweeted Ron that he should apologize to be the bigger person "for his fans, his show, and ABC." I slept on it then did my research and decided to tweet Ron an olive branch:
So then I thought "Who the hell do I think I am? This may be a big deal to me, but I'm NOBODY to him." I let it go and decided to hit the follow button on Ron's twitter account in case he did indeed out of the realm of impossibility wanted to Direct Message me only to discover Ron blocked me LOL I guess I was a bigger deal than I thought.

I am just really disappointed on how things transpired with John and Ron. I have never been a fan of Ron's writing on either "One Life to Live" or "General Hospital" so I don't take offense, but John I have been a fan of since "Full House." I've even followed his career through a few projects. Well now I want nothing to do with GH or John. I cannot support bullying of ANY kind. I felt the same way with Lady Gaga/Kelly Osbourne twitter war. I actually almost stopped watching "Fashion Police" on E! until Kelly made a public apology on "Hello Ross." In my eyes that made the world right, but Lady Gaga is warring with Madonna so I will not buy her album.

Having gone through bullying myself and hearing the stories of others I feel strongly about boycotting ANY artist engaged in such behavior. I know I'm just one person, but that's ONE less viewer or one less album sale or one less movie ticket. What I wouldn't give to be a writer/actor/producer. And I wouldn't spend one iota of my time engaged in a public war. If I ever was in a disagreement with someone I would settle it OFFLINE and OUT OF THE PRESS. I would call them up and have the discussion over dinner at one of our houses privately. And if they started some ish on twitter or in the press my tactic would still be the same NOR would I respond in any way shape or form. Actually no that's a lie I would then say "______, rather than going back and forth via (social media, the press) I would love to sit down and hash this out between ourselves privately. Please feel free to contact me when you're ready." It shows class and maturity. And that's HONESTLY what I will/would do. My fans will respect me and maybe that person who's gotten a misunderstanding about me will too. 

Very disappointed in both John & Ron though. And John saying "hey let's M.O." is even more insulting. He STARTS this entire thing then says "let's move on?" How about you apologize to Ron, your fans, and the GH/ABC family? How many others think like me and are boycotting GH because of this? Well I hope Ron didn't tell Frank. I plan on marrying Frank Valentini (the hot Executive Producer of "General Hospital") lol Ok Frank is prob not gay, but whatever he's gorg. Here's his pic:

But now that I think about it I did admire Ron to a degree. He came out gay a few years ago making him the first openly gay Headwriter in daytime. I had a modicum of respect for him. Now not so much. I mean I respect him as an openly gay Headwriter in daytime and John as an actor I ONCE admired, but I am no longer a fan of either until one or both apologize publicly.

Update: While I do not support Ron's actions being a part of my new podcast The Spilled Tea I feel I probably should watch GH. Plus I shouldn't punish the cast & crew of this show because of behind-the-scenes antics. older posts