Discovered him this spring, followed him on Instagram, Facebook, and twitter. Promoted his movie. Talked about his projects on my podcast. Tried generating interest about him via social media and telling my friends to follow him. Follow me so far? Well then I asked him via FB messenger "If I had a movie idea would you star?" He starts talking to me about a nudity clause & his "riders." I stressed again this was an idea I had nothing set in stone yet. He then proceeded to talk down to me like I had somehow misled or played him. Now to back up for a second on all his social media and his blog he not bork says how his you get self is his hero, but how no one understands him and ppl in Hollywood only want to sleep w him that's why he basically walked away from acting. He also has been on SIX different college football teams in two years. Each time he blames then for you guessed it not understanding him and harassing him.
Well I decide to show my support towards him I'd help fund his latest project. The more posts I see of his the more disgusting that he works on his physical well-being and no time spent on his mental well-being. Plus the project I was helping to fund and promote wa outrageously priced. I emailed him in all honesty and explained my impulse purchase, but that I decided to get a refund. His response?
"David, you've been a pain in my ass since you stalked me on social media. Please remove yourself from my accounts, or I'll do it."
I was shocked, and I wasn't. I was shocked someone whom considers himself a celebrity would show the act of a petulant child. So had I not asked for a refund he would've put up w my "stalker ass?" Interesting. And labeling himself "King of Selfies," having a billion diffract social media accounts and I followed three constitues me being a stalker? Last I checked a stalker showed up at you're house, called you, talked to your friends. I'm almost positive a stalker wouldn't try helping you lol now I will take responsibility for being a hardcore flirt. And sometimes I take flirting too serious. I actually took a minute to reach out to ppl I flirt w hardcore and apologized if I ever took it too far. It actually answered some questions I was doubting about myself, but it also brought me a lil closer to my flirtees on a friendship level.
I immediately responded back to him with some of the points I outlined above. Well first I wrote an email that ripped him a new asshole. After finishing and reading it I deleted it. My goal of the reply to him was to get him to understand he can't shame ppl who he feels reject him. If you think about it he cyberbullied me. You should read some things ppl say to hi openly. I never disrespected him, so what gives him the right to disrespect me? I don't care whom you are I'm not putting up w that.
My favorite line in my reply was "goodbye and good luck." I told him what he did was inexcusable, but I harbor no ill will in that one sentence. In life when you say things you can't take back there they are. Forever hanging there. My friend called it tiu. Said he was a narcissistic ass whom thinks everyone not kissing his ass is against him. "The minute you showed what he deemed a lack of support he turned in you. He really has no grasp of what it means to have fans aka strangers support you, friendships, or relationships. I checked out his blog and even he knows he's narcissistic. Anyone who calls himself his own hero has little grasp on reality. Besides David, the time and energy you spend on this jerk could be spent on an actual nice celeb that'll appreciate you." That friend is right.