Rudy Ray Moore was an aspiring comic working at a record store. He would open for at a local restaurant, but no one thought he was particularly funny. That's until Rudy started hearing stories from a local homeless man about a man named Dolemite. The homeless man would tell the tales in rhymes, so Rudy was inspired by that. At first it seemed like he plagiarized the man, but the audience loved him. His rhymes talked about hookers, sex, drugs, everything we AREN'T suppose to talk about. But soon he was coming up with rhymes on his own. And black folk loved him. Being an underground success wasn't enough so he recorded an album set to jazz music in the background. No record company would touch him nor would any radio station air his material, so he recorded it himself and sold them on the streets. His audience grew and suddenly the stations that rejected him wanted his albums. THEN he decided to take Dolemite to the big screen in a Blacksplotation movie. And this is where the story TRULY begins.
This isn't just a story about a black legend that inspired what is rap today. No this is about a man who had a talent and would not take no from ANYONE. He followed his dream, and he helped others along the way. My favorite line was when his friend, a curvy singer said "Thank you for putting me on screen. There aren't many girls like me on the big screen." WOW!
Netflix made a 5 star movie. I'm here for all of it, y'all. Think of this movie like the black more successful version of Tommy Wiseau from The Disaster Artist.
Fun Fact this movie is directed by Craig Brewer, the director of the upcoming "Coming To America 2" and Oscar winning film "Hustle and Flow."