I didn't think Julia Roberts, America's Sweetheart, could play mean. I was laughing at the trailers that depicted the Julia I know and love. Fast forward to me watching the movie and WOW!
She was a BEYOTCH! I would say her character is a half-sister to the evil Queen of "Once Upon A Time." There was a very logical reason why she hated Snow and she was very sarcastic too. If I say I love it it'd be an understatement. SO MUCH FUN!
If it's possible Julia stole EVERY scene she was in. She was funny, witty, and a bitch! It's not exactly a Disney movie, but it's not too adult. Tweens would love it. Lily Collins was pretty decent an actress in it. I loved that she stood up to Julia in some scenes. What I loved is her Snow was never meek or afraid.
Nathan Lane was HIGH-LARIOUS! Oddly enough Armie Hammer was slightly creepy haha I dunno maybe it was the obvious age difference. Zac Efron shoulda def played this character or someone around his age. Other than that great movie.