Despite the CO tragedy my brother-in-law and I went to see this. One word: epic!
I sat down and watched "Batman Begins" and "The Dark Knight." This movie accompanying this really made its mark. Yes it's a combo of the's even Batman Begins in reverse, but still the movie works on so many levels.
Once again I have to eat my words...Anne Hathaway was incredible. Why? Because she wasn't CATWOMAN (in fact they never call her that throughout the movie) she was Selina Kyle a cat burglar. I believed Anne as Selina. Catwoman aka Michelle Pfeiffer cannot be redone. She was an amazing Catwoman and I loved loved loved her in the role. Thankfully that wasn't Anne's play. There wasn't a cat in sight either.
Being a closet cartoon geek the movie was a combo of Batman the Animated Series and the Comic. I remember a specific scene in the comic that nerds will LOVE seeing (shhhh). But overall loved the movie, will buy it when it comes out.
At almost three hours long the only time it dragged was the last half hour. That's when I realized my butt was falling asleep will this end? Some plot twists and turns, but if you haven't seen the first two I implore you to do so. They all tie in together and it makes much more sense. Definitely worth seeing on the big screen...despite your fears.