So I have come to realize there's a fine line between marketing my book and getting personal.
Last week I hit the ground running. Going into independent bookstores talking about displaying my book, emailing and tweeting about my book. I even paid for an ad on Facebook which has so far done great. But I feel like an exposed nerve. Read this:
This is not about marketing. I created this out of desperation for my situation. Then why do I feel exposed? I guess I have always tried to keep and restrict my personal life to my small select circle of friends. But in many regards I see this petition as my ticket out. I don't care about selling millions. That's for another strategy. This is immediate to get me out of where I am. And I hate being that person that does that. I literally paced for ten minutes after posting that. I still don't know how I feel. But if I am asking for help like Larry said then I should be honest why I need it.
Let's hope this situation resolves itself sooner rather than later!