One of the funniest movies I've seen in a long time from start to finish. If Melissa McCarthy doesn't get an Oscar nod for THIS movie over "Bridesmaids" the voters are insane. She was funny from beginning to end.
The storyline is simple a man is scammed out of his personal information, and his identity is stolen by a PRO! My only caveat is the subplot of people chasing her. Was a little out there for me and really distracted from the main story. But she and Jason Bateman are gold together.
The thing about Jason Bateman is that he's been around A LONG TIME! Since the 80's first as a TV star, then when he tried and failed as a movie star he waited and came back. And Melissa is just amazing. I remember seeing her in "Charlie's Angels: Full Throttle" as a neighbor in the outtakes. I thought she was great; kept rewinding her scene. Now she's paid her dues.
Sometimes when a person goes from obscurity to fame they get involved with bad movies (I'm talking to you Halle Berry). Yet Melissa LOSING the Oscar she's gotten more and more amazing with every role.And her movies are good.
Check this one out. WINNER!