
Sandra Bullock stars as a scientist on her first mission in space with vet played by George Clooney. The beginning sequence is a little cheesy special effects wise but the rest of the movie is PHENOMENAL! Easily five stars out of five. There isn't really a ton to review since everyone knows the entire plot: Girl goes in space with boy, something happens that damages their ship, to save one the other sacrifices themselves, one survives the end. LOL Sandra & George were a perfect pairing. I love when Hollywood does that and then we think "Duh why didn't this happen before?" This is one of those original Hollywood blockbusters that flipped the bird to all those movie fans that say "Hollywood never does original big budget movies." Well here ya go! Strong female driven movie, simple plot, great special effects. (Claps for all involved) In the words of Beyonce...Bow down bitches! older posts