So the plot is this in the present, Mutants are hunted by Sentinels. Sentinels are basically mutant killers; they can detect a mutant, track them, steal their powers, and kill them. These evil machines, made out of everything but metal, were created by businessman genius Trask. To prevent the Sentinels from being created Professor X decides to use Kitty (the one who can pass through walls) to travel back to the past, stop Mystique from killing Trask, and make it so the Sentinels are never created. Good plan right?! Well the only one who can make the time jump and heal themselves is Wolverine.
Two problems (without giving away spoilers) is that Wolverine & Mystique don't have ANY sort of real relationship and two isn't the BEST person to convince Mystique not to kill Trask...Mystique? Why not have her older self tell her what the future is like? #IDontGetIt This is why it's a 4 star to me. It missed a HUGE opportunity and didn't even explain where future Mystique was. HUGE plot hole. They did explain the other "Brotherhood" members except Emma Frost.
The acting was TOP NOTCH! Evan Peters was HILARIOUS as Peter aka Quicksilver; Quicksilver moves and talks fast. His scene in the film is quick (giggles) but very funny. In the comics Magneto is the father of Quicksilver and his twin sister Scarlet Witch so in a scene Peter says "Hey my mom knew a guy who could manipulate metal." Halle was in it supporting, but oddly enough Michael Fassbender & James MacAvoy were spellbinding. In X-Men First Class their friendship was complicated...in this it's love/hate. I've heard rumors that Michael Fassbender is a "dog," but lemme tell you Michael was brilliant. And Jennifer Lawrence was physically present; she did so many stunts in this movie my jaw was agape. One scene (you'll know what I mean) I was like "WOW she's limber." James will BREAK YOUR HEART! His Dr. Charles Xavier is so emotional...unlike Patrick Stewart's haha Just all around very well acted/cast. I was getting a lil distracted by Josh Helman (plays young William Stryker) because he looks SO MUCH like a hot tall Seann William Scott. Seriously it's uncanny. I kept thinking "What's Stifler doing?" Peter Dinklage is sooooooo confidently devious; he's not the villain that makes you shake in your boots, that's the Sentinels. But his brilliance is scary because you can tell it can be used for so much better.
Visually stunning, but the Sentinels felt very much like the bad machine in the first Thor. Why copy? Just strange. Very good movie though. I'd see it again just for sexy Daniel Cudmore and Hugh Jackman's bubble butt. I've decided Hugh Jackman is the William deVry of movies ;)