The Amazing Spider-man 2

File:The Amazing Spiderman 2 poster.jpg
Lemme just get this outta the way: out of 5 stars this movie gets 10 stars. WOW! I will not include any spoilers, but lemme tell you this is the kinda movie that made me do the "Kim Kardashian ugly cry." And that's all the damn spoilers you get, mister. Okay keep reading my review...
So like everyone else in the world I was skeptical about a Spiderman reboot. I have had to eat my words because the first one I enjoyed greatly. And this one was even better. The first one had me as they were telling more about Peter and how he came to live with Aunt May and Uncle Ben (sorry I chuckle thinking about the rice every time). It also told showed us Lizard! This one we see Pete/Spiderman take on Electro, Green Goblin, and Rhino. And each fight made perfect sense. It wasn't too much or too little. EVERYTHING MADE SENSE. The script was tighter than a baby's skin. Direction and special effects (I also chuckle know Mark Webb directed two Spiderman movies get it)...I almost got dizzy in the opening shot. NO LIE! And it was in 3D.

Now onto the performances. Andrew Garfield is believable as Peter Parker. Sally Field (my spirit animal) is superb as the widowed tough-as-nails Aunt May. Emma Stone is PERFECTLY cast as Gwen Stacy. Chris Cooper as Norman Osborn - yes. Dane DeHaan aka Leonardo DiCaprio's younger brother is HAUNTING as Harry Osborn. Paul Giamatti as Rhino - thank you. Jamie Foxx as Max Dillon aka that blew my mind.

Originally when I heard Jamie Foxx as Electro. "What fool thought of that casting?" Once again I had to eat my words. NO ONE ELSE coulda been Electro. Jamie NAILED it. And I will not and cannot forget Louis Cancelmi. Who's that you ask? At first glance I thought it was Frank Grillo, but oh no think if you stretched Frank Grillo out and gave him insane cheekbones. Everytime Louis was on screen I may have drooled. Sorry I digress he's a good actor too hahaha Don't tell Cody Deal. Anyways there wasn't a slouch of insane acting in this movie. Hell the damn extras were amazing.

Don't walk RUN to see this movie. It's got everything you ever want in a summer/superhero movie. You will never be the same; and stay tuned for the preview scene for "XMen Days of Future Past." The Amazing Spider-man 2 was simply put...Amazing!

Ps. there's a character played by Felicity Jones named Felicia. You better believe I sat in the theater by myself and as she left the screen I said "Bye Felicia." #Epic older posts