If you are a fan of the 80's cartoon, movie, and toys like I am you will LOVE LOVE LOVE this movie. What? Just cuz I'm a queen doesn't mean I wasn't into all things as a kid. I played with Barbies & the Easy Bake Oven but I also loved Thundercats, He-Man, and Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles. This movie, a reboot, retells their story, but pays homage at the same time.
You really do have to be a fan to get some of the references. My favorite reference is April's wardrobe. Watching the cartoon I thought April was the prettiest girl ever. I obviously didn't have a crush, but I loved her yellow jacket; which Megan Fox wore. It tells the story that's so heartwarming you will understand why April is connected to the turtles and how. SO GOOD!!!!!!!!
I will give this one 4 stars out of 5. It wasn't perfect, but I can't quite put my finger on why. But still it was good. And shout out to Paul Fitzgerald who played Dr. Colin on #GuidingLight. He did a cameo as April's dad in flashbacks. This was mos def shot in NYC...very good movie. And Will Arnett for some reason is pretty awesome in the movie. His comedic timing couldn't have been better.

The acting is great. No one slouches, but when I see disaster movies making the same friggin cliched mistakes others prior to it have made it irritates me. OF COURSE there are yahoos in the middle of the storm and trying to chase it to get on YouTube. OF COURSE there are moments where the MAIN CHARACTERS should be running for cover NOT filming a storm coming right at them. This pisses me off because it shows we haven't grown as writers. We are still being lazy and creating stupid moments. You want to stand apart from the rest then veer off course.
Richard Armitage, Thorain from LOTR: The Hobbit trilogy, plays a single dad of two boys. There's a teen love story. There's a boss/co-worker hostile relationship. There's a scared co-worker trying to make it. Another point is deducted when the sole lead Black guy in the movie just disappears. He's with them one minute and gone the next never to be mentioned. HUH?! And the thing that really really aggravated me was the characters whom SEE destruction around them and refuse to leave forcing time wasting arguments. UGH UGH UGH
Overall it was good, just not great which it had the potential to be. Me the perv kept checking out Richard's bum every chance I could. He's just so gorgeous it should be outlawed.