Now the acting is fantabulous from Jessica Chastain and Ellen Burstyn whom will be nominated for Oscars ala "Titanic" Kate Winslet and Gloria Stuart...but lemme tell you Ellen deserves it. The rest of the cast has already won Oscars so it seemed like they were phoning it in. Anne Hathaway acted like the persona she's portrayed in Hollywood. Matthew had this weird orange skin that I couldn't take him serious or notice his acting. Michael Caine was OK. John Lithgow was his normal sarcastic self. And Casey Affleck looked bored. But the thing I hate despise and loathe most about this movie is that it was written for award season.
The story is even though Matthew McConaughey's character is a farmer he has unused, unimagined Astronaut skills. His daughter KNOWS this and KNOWS his skills can help save the planet. Being a science geek herself she even is bullied at school, so why then does she cry and wonder why her dad's "leaving her?" Why because it adds to the story. Now if they played up on the mother's absence I can get that, but that was mentioned in PASSING! Then there were more than one MORE THAN ONE moments where people are standing and staring instead of moving to save their own lives. Christopher Nolan, you're better than this. I was very disappointed and rolled my eyes more than once. These were all award reels NOT actual plot points that made sense.
Really feel this script could've been tighter. I do like the twist in the movie which I will not reveal. That twist is not really a good twist, but it adds to the plot and has a FANTASTIC cameo. That performer WILL GET AN OSCAR NOD too. It was powerful!!!!
My advice...wait for cable. Aside from the special effects it wasn't worth the price of admission...or the morons kicking my chair behind me or the Asian guy translating for his girlfriend THE ENTIRE MOVIE!