"The Walking Dead's" Lauren Cohan took time from killing zombies to play an American nanny named Greta coming to England. She arrives and meets Brahms, the son of Mr & Mrs Heelshire (played by Jim Horton and Judi Dench's twin Diana Hardcastle). Sexy British actor Rupert Evans portrays grocer Malcolm.
Okay it won't win Oscars or even Golden Globes, but it was good. Yes she did not follow the rules, but when she finally did and WHY is the real story. When she does the entire movie takes a turn for the better.
Worth seeing but not in the movies. You can wait till it comes to cable. Good but not great. I'd say 4 out of 5 stars. I dunno what would make it a 5, but it's just not 5 out of 5.
But Rupert Evans is not just hot but he's a good actor. Once he comes onscreen you'll want him back on IMMEDIATELY!