The true story of Senator Ted Kennedy (Jason Clarke) getting into a car accident with his late brother Robert F. Kennedy's former staff members Mary Jo Kopechne (Kate Mara) that results in her drowning.
Brilliantly directed by John Curran. We see everything that happens. And the script by Taylor Allen and Andrew Logan is PERFECTION...why? Because when the accident occured I shook my head and threw my hands up at how dumb Ted handled it, BUT it all came back as the movie unfolded. This movie explained SO MUCH of Ted Kennedy and his personality to me. And the timing of its release was even better.
When the accident occurs (it truly was an accident but AT Ted's drunken fault), everyone ran to protect TED! The accident occurred 8 days shy of Mary Jo's 29th birthday. No one mentioned it...on purpose. In the current era of the #MeToo movement, it's a glaring reminder that this attitude that women even in death shall serve to prop up men has existed for a very long time.
I don't think I can ever watch this movie again because of how painfully heartbreaking it was. BUT I will say it has been one of the best movies I've seen this year. Jason Clarke, Bruce Dern (Joseph Kennedy Sr), and Ed Helms (cousin Joe Gargan) deserve oscar nominations. And even Kate Mara (whom I have always felt ambivalent about because of her acting) nailed it!
The thing I most love is it stuck to facts. There was no secret love affair between Mary Jo and Ted, it showed Ted in as a buffoon amongst smart people. And the conversations between the characters were REALISTIC!