Whatever you say about Tom Cruise he's a great actor and raises others to his level. No surprise he worked his magic in this as Ethan Hunt is tasked with finding the mysterious John Lark before he deploys all of the Plutonium leveling a few cities. The movie is a little predictable, BUT the execution is amazing. My Henry Cavill didn't disappoint.
Christopher McQuarrie is the writer/director. The movie is a bit uneven; it's completely and utterly detailed oriented one minute and leaves a huge gap the next. Example: the team does a great job getting a password, but when Ethan gets plutominium in the beginning he doesn't secure he prior to fighting bad guys.
The producers SHOULD NOT have said Henry was the villian either. It really ruined the story for me. Had I not known it would've been better.
After all that though I cannot wait for the next one. SOOOOOOO good even with it's flaws.