"TMS" is a mix of Matt Lauer's Today show sexual allegations and CBS's Les Moonves' sex scandal coverup. It's smartly written, executed, and acted. There's a reason why this show is produced for $15 million per episode. Worth EVERY penny. Keep reading...
Reese Witherspoon plays hard-hitting reporter Bradley, from a small town with more activist journalism skills. Jennifer Aniston is the seasoned polished co-anchor Alex of "TMS." When her co-ancher Mitch (Steve Carell) gets fired for sexual harassment allegations, Alex must chair alone until her replacement is named. But the Old Boys Club (Network Head Fred played by Tom Irwin) decides to throw Mitch to the wolves...but who could've told the New York Times about Mitch's sexcapades is the real question? Chip (Mark Duplass) the News Director, has to manage Alex spiraling out of control. Meanwhile Bradley makes a stir as she goes viral exploding on a protester at a fracking rally. Alex interviews her to stay "on trend" and thus begins the Bradley-Alex era at UBA!
Everyone is gagging over Jennifer Aniston, but I feel Reese stole the show. I don't want to compare the women, but Reese should be getting awards left and right for her work. And Steve Carell wow! This man can do comedy and drama easily. Another stand out is Billy Crudup as Head of Daytime at UBA. But Tom Irwin and Mark Duplass are crazy engaging too. For me though Reese's Bradley made me care about this show.
5 stars out of 5 EASILY! My fave new show. If you have Apple TV binge. You will love it. Thankfully I waited cuz anticipation would've killed me week to week. The attention to detail the writers took filling in holes with that expanding foam insulation (metaphor) wow! Cannot wait for Season 2.