Let's just get one thing out of the way I do not like zombie crap. ZOMBIE APOCALYPSE is not my thing.
Having said that my friends were badgering me to watch. "Trust me it's not all about Zombies." Rolling my eyes I watched the first episode.
"The Walking Dead" is created/produced by Frank Darabont whom wrote/directed "Shawshank Redemption" and "The Green Mile." A-MA-ZING!
Yes it's gross the zombie stuff, but this is the first time I've ever yelled at my TV.
Scene: Guy gets out of his car at a campground and girl immediately runs up asking him questions. I yell at my tv WITH MY HANDS UP IN FRONT OF ME "CALM DOWN!" I then realize I'm not at the campground but at home watching it. End scene.
This happened SEVERAL times where I was talking to characters as if I was there. Why's that significant? Am I crazy? Well of course I'm crazy, but it's significant because what happens on screen feels so real I feel like I'm present. This is amazing. And I can't stop it from happening.
Best part is there are no stars. All character actors. Highly recommend this if you want to be entertained and grossed out :)
Ps. It's been on for 3 seasons. Season 1 was 6 episodes. Season 2 for 13. Season 3 premiered last sunday to a record breaking 20 million views. ON cable that's unheard of. Just saying.