The original version of "A Star is Born" shows the behind-the-scenes of Hollywood. Ester Bloggett is a struggling actress whom meets alcoholic washed up former matinee idol Norman Maine. After a chance encounter they fall in love. Ester now going by Vicky Lester shows Norman how to live a simple life amidst the crazy of Hollywood. As her star ascends his fades. His jealousy overpowers him and his old self reemerges. His death changes her life forever. Janet Gaynor & Frederich March each received Oscar nominations in the Lead categories rightly so. They should've won because this story was original to the time AND their performances were MAGNIFICENT! The world of Hollywood was so glamorous too; it hit on all that was popular in Hollywood at the time. The transition from Ester's boring life and home to Vicky's exciting life and beautiful house left me wanting my OWN "A Star is Born" moment.
I am always comparing the past to the present in terms of acting/writing/directing and the past had ACTORS/WRITERS/DIRECTORS! Today movies have STARS/A TEAM OF PEOPLE THAT HAVE WRITING IDEAS/PEOPLE THAT BOSS STARS AROUND. There's a huge difference and it's apparent.
One of my new favorite movies of all time.
Aside from "The Wizard of Oz" I hadn't seen a Judy Garland movie (I know and I'm gay). I hate to say this but I hated this version of the movie. It was so lifeless and boring I turned it off 30 minutes in. Couldn't even bear to finish watching it. I wasn't engaged in the story, the characters. By far the worst of the three versions in my mind. I tried, but I have nothing good to say except Judy's voice was amazing. That's it.
Of the three this is the most tragic, heartbreaking, and highest grossing. Barbra Streisand is Esther Hoffman, a struggling singer, who meets Rock God John Norman Howard by chance. He helps her put her career on the map as his star begins to fade. Realizing his presence is only dragging her down he accidentally kills himself. Barbra is at her VERY BEST in this movie giving a tour-de-force performance that should've netted her an Oscar nomination but she and Kris Kristofferson (looked yummy) won Golden Globes for Best Actress and Actor respectively. Make no mistake her singing is ABOVE THE ANGELS! My God I'm not even a huge Barbra fan, but this woman's voice is SURREAL! If this movie was released today they'd both have Oscar wins under their belts.