Now I'm gay. So I have heard my girl friends throughout the years complain about their boyfriends. IT IS NOT LOGICAL that a woman would dump a man on a kiss cam because of his penis. It just isn't. She woulda dumped him LONG before if his penis were the issue; having said that I think this is fake. Much like the Blair Witch project. It was needed in order to spark the debate, but I do not believe any of this is real. His parents' reactions didn't seem real, and he NEVER said how big he is. NEVER EVER. If this was true he woulda said "5 inches." But not once did he reveal how big it is or did we see it. Not that I wanted to see it, but don't tell us you got dumped for having a small penis and NOT tell us how small it is. AND the fact that he is a comedian raised more suspicion with me. At the end he does a show about it and it was like this was good material for the stage. You CANNOT convince me this movie is real. Having said that I love the debate on if size matters. He did his research and we see everything regarding penis enlargement, historical stuff, and comparisons to apes.
THIS is what made this a 3 for me; his predicament was unbelievable. Not to mention look at his body? Patrick is GORGEOUS! I highly doubt any girl or guy would say no to him small penis or not. But what brought the 5 to a 3 for me was everyone but the ppl interviewed seemed like they were acting; I watch soaps I can tell acting from not acting. Nothing felt like real deliveries. It was all very "coincidental" for me. And we NEVER saw even a bulge. I've seen some MUCH WORSE stuff. But for me knowing in my head this is fake brought it down, but I would def see it again and again because is was telling and timeless.
And that's my review. Even though it was a 3 out of 5. Again I recommend it. Great movie and clears up alot of str8 guys as well.
Update: After talking to Patrick via Blog Talk Radio I'm gonna have to change my answer. This movie is a 5 out of 5. He explained the "gaps"/concerns I felt about the movie not being real and I love love this movie...and him! He was fully honest about everything. I don't wanna ruin it, but you can hear his response in the interview. But yea I wasn't shy about telling him what a big crush I had on him. And the wonderful part; he ate it up. HAHA I love his personality so much. Listen to what I say to him about what his next project should be LOL Just wait till I talk to Assad :)