This movie was funnier, less emotional, and funnier. Wait did I say funnier? They go back to college and immediately things are similar to the first, but the real breakout star of the show is Jillian Leigh Bell. She LITERALLY gives the best lines in a movie full of incredible lines mostly with Jonah Hill. "You are so old looking. Well you know what I have a great relationship with my grandpa, but you don't see me having sex with him." Her delivery WOW!
I must say it's literally the first time I felt Channing had range. I know that sounds funny since he's been in dramas, but I feel this is the first movie he's just gone with the flow. If it called for a dramatic scene, he was dramatic. If it called for comedy, he was comedic. And it wasn't forced. His earlier efforts felt very forced. I do love the fact that Jonah being a two time Academy Award nominee didn't force the script to make him MORE the star. It was equal screen time and equal emotional pull.
There's a character named Zook whom I am pretty sure was in love with Channing's character but it was never explored. You will look at him and think "I know this guy from somewhere." And you will NEVER put your finger on it. It's because he is Movie Royalty. His name is Wyatt Russell; he's the son of Goldie Hawn & Kurt Russell and younger half-brother of Oliver & Kate Hudson. Wyatt Russell is not only talented but HOT!!!!!!!!!!!! I legit couldn't wait to see him in scenes. Not gonna lie, stole a lil hot thunder from Channing. Sorry Chann :(
Definitely worth a watch. Go see this movie if you liked the first. Even if you didn't see the first you can still watch this one. Might not get the inside jokes or the full impact of their partnership, but still go see. Definitely 4 stars out of 5...they shoulda been junior transfers NOT freshmen. Sorry my own nitpicky but that was dumb. Minus half a point.
The other half a point comes from this: White People, when you call yourselves crackers that's bad. Crackers is what slaves called the white folks that whipped them with the whips. Crackers aka sound of the whip cracking. Honky is when the white men would go to the ghetto and honk their horns so the black prostitutes would come out to their cars. White Folks, DO NOT call yourselves Honkies or Crackers. PLEASEEEEEEEE yes this was a joke in the movie. NEEDS TO STOP! Almost worse than the n-word.