So I don't think I can even rate this movie because I'm still trying to process the purpose. It wasn't horrible, but it wasn't good. The one irritating thing was it would SHOW a metaphor. That wasn't cool but more lazy directing/writing. We get it. I dunno I wasn't loving that part but on a whole I just don't know.
ScarJo was perfection. Whatever I dislike or like about the movie her acting was TOP NOTCH! She can do no wrong in my mind. I loves her. The thing I like about this movie is knowing Angelina Jolie was originally cast, but dropped out. Ang woulda ROCKED this movie. I wish she woulda played this job. I also loved Amr Waked (hot French cop). Something about him made me drool like crazy. Oh and he's a good actor too lol I think w Ang he would've had more chemistry. This is directed/written by Luc Besson whom typically uses Milla Jovovich. I can see her in this movie too as this would be PERFECT for her. But again ScarJo did an amazing job.
Honestly I can't even rate this movie; I know that sounds weird. If you are gonna see it go to the movies. I don't really know if I can recommend it either. There was no point to the movie. Hmmm I just dunno...