So here's why I'm mad: the first Sharknado was fun because the script and characters took themselves serious, but it played funny. This version the script and characters are 100% tongue & cheek. Listen I don't like being let in on the joke. Everything about this movie is a wink and nudge. The first one was really not that bad. I know how that sounds, but this monstrosity...it angered me. I feel like people are only in it because it's "popular" not because it's good...but the first WAS GOOD! I need a minute...
And all the friggin guest stars that were so unnecessary. It felt like when you find that artist you love and then they blow up. Kinda like "Sex and The City." Seasons 1 and 2 were so good. Groundbreaking. Then in Season 3 they became self-aware and their quality shook a lil; Carrie wore provocative clothes to get ratings, Samantha did provocative things to get ratings. UGH
In case you see it I don't wanna give away spoilers, but yeah...it's bad. Not bad fun like the first just bad bad. Can you tell I'm angry about this? lol
I'm sure this will get views first night, but not repeat. I'm done with them. DONE! But I will say Ian looks AMAZING! But awful movie. So pissed. Grrrrrrrrrr!