Meryl's performance was brilliant there's no denying. Emily Blunt's singing was inspiring. Billy Magnussen's arse was out of this world. And Johnny Depp was perfectly creepy.
The story is Emily Blunt as the Baker's Wife wants desperately to have a baby with the British version of Kevin James (James Corden). Meryl Streep is the witch that states she cursed his family after his father stole food from her garden next door. She says she will lift the curse if they bring her a cow white as milk, a cape red as blood, hair as yellow as corn, and a golden she. Off they go into the woods unaware that Cinderella (Anna Kendrick) is headed into the woods to cut across and attend the 1st day of the Prince's festival, Little Red Riding Hood is headed into the woods to bring her grandmother food she stole from the Baker, Jack is headed into the woods to go to the next town over to sell his milkless cow, and Rapunzel is in the woods trapped in a tower with her corn yellow hair the only ladder for anyone to access her.
Of course Johnny Depp encounters Red as the Wolf and although he is suppose to be wanting her as a meal he plays it VERY differently. He plays it like like a child molester. It gets creepier the more interactions they have.
Tracey Ullman is hilarious as Jack's mother who just wants her son safe and her cow to produce milk.
Oh did I mention it's a musical? Yeah the other annoying part is before ANYONE can decide ANYTHING in this movie they must sing. And that's unfortunate for the extremely beautiful to look at Chris Pine. He's the Pierce Brosnan/Russell Crowe of this movie. His singing voice is so terrible I laughed his entire performance. Thankfully Billy Magnussen and his beautiful bum save the day with a duet. Literally Billy's bum should be credited in this film. I don't think I've seen a bum quite like this...and that the camera gravitated towards!
Overall I was sort of confused by this film. What was the point? What happened to Rapunzel and her Prince? Any more giants coming down the beanstalk? Why did the witch so flippantly give the Baker magic beans anyways? I had more questions than answers. But one thing I know for sure, Meryl will get another Academy Award nomination. James Corden & Emily Blunt should too.