Now let me say I LOVED the first. it was hilarious. I would give that one 3 out of 5 stars if I was reviewing it now. This one gets 1 1/2 stars. It was pretty bad. I'm not trying to be harsh because I love stupid humor, but this is bad. Think of this movie like a baby doing something funny. So the baby makes you laugh, and it works you giggle. The baby keeps doing something that will make you laugh, but the funny wanes. That's exactly how I felt this movie was. It'd do ONE funny thing then continue because it knows the first thing is funny, but by the fifth "joke" you're worn out from the uncomfortableness you just witnessed.
What upset me most about this film is it had potential, but not explaining Rob Schneider's absence, the unrealistic silly gags (Alexander Ludwig gets off a train and holds up a crayon picture of David Spade next to David Spade and says "Yup looks just like you."), and there's a huge fight between grown men (Adam and company) against college kids (Taylor and company). On what planet would that be legal?
Frustrated and annoyed I have to say not sure why this movie was even made. The first one yes there really was no point it was adlibbed and basically stand up. This movie was just horrible with plot holes the size of the moon (a drunk/pill popping bus driver falls asleep so Adam Sandler drives the school bus - doesn't he need a special license? Employed by the school? Can ANYONE drive a local city bus?). Actually I change my mind it's getting only 1 star. Shame on them for taking 3 years to come up with this mess. What a waste of talent and money.