"Birdman or (The Unexpected Virtue of Ignorance)" is the story of washed former action hero Riggan Thomson played by Michael Keaton. Riggan wants to resuscitate his acting career at 60 by directing/writing/producing/acting in a Broadway play. Zach Galifianakis plays his attorney and best friend, Emma Stone is his daughter and personal assistant, Naomi Watts is his co-star, Amy Ryan is his ex-wife, and Edward Norton is Broadway's hottest star and his new male co-star. I give it 4 stars. Keep reading...
Michael Keaton, Emma Stone, and Edward Norton deserved their Oscar nominations. The directing was BRILLIANT. Felt like one long continuous shot and only faded for a second to go into the next scene. WOW! The story and script are very simple, but the only part of the story that's actually confusing is the play. I know it's not a major part, but what I loved about Noises Off is it was a play within a play within a movie. LOVED THAT MOVIE!
I didn't hate the movie just wasn't perfect in my eyes.