For me I still haven't read the books so again I didn't have a preconceived notion of how it should be. But I feel like this movie is missing the bite from the first. Shaileen Woodley feels like she's phoning it in while everyone else is working their tail off. What do I mean by that? Tris was fighting to be heard in the first movie; Tris is THERE in the second. I just felt disconnected from her. Kate Winslet as Jeanine is again deliciously evil, but she's nothing compared to the fierce mom that is Naomi Watts (no spoilers). Octavia Spencer as Joanna is ok...Theo James is clearly yummy as Four.
This movie finds Tris & Four running from Jeanine (whom survived) with a bounty on them after Kate realizes Tris is the key to unlocking a powerful artifact found at Tris' parents' home. The artifact is a message from the Founders and only a special Divergent can unlock it. So now it begins as lines blur and former alliances cannot be trusted.
Overall I didn't hate or love it. It was good though.