Chappie (voiced by District 9's Sharlto Copley) tells the story of a man who works for a corporation in Johannesburg, South Africa that has invented robots to help with crime. Due to the robots crime has been driven down significantly so now it's time to ship these robots to the rest of the world. Not so fast...Dev Patel (my super secret crush that I am now fully admitting) plays Deon the man that created the robots. He's the toast of his company and boss Michelle (Sigourney Weaver), but absolutely hated by his rival Vincent (Hugh Jackman with a mullet) that wants his robots MOOSE to go live. Where Deon's Scouts are lean and thin, Vincent's MOOSE is a tank on legs. No one hates them more than Michelle who keeps vetoing Vincent's funding and research every year. Deon has secretly been developing a program to have the Scouts think for themselves, have consciousness like humans. When he perfects it he goes to Michelle with his research. She laughs him out the door, but he decides to test it on recently shot up and about to crushed Scout 22. At the same time lowlife thieves America (he's an hispanic American played by Jose Pablo Castillo), the eccentric Yolandi Visser, and Ninja (played to perfection by tattooed Watkin Tudor Jones) decide to kidnap Deon and make him switch a Scout to do their bidding so they can pay off a debt to Hippo (ubersexy Brandon Auret breathes life into this character). When the three kidnap Deon they realize Scout 22 is in the back of his van. They force him to assemble him while Deon tells them about his new technology. Named Chappie by Yolandi, Deon explains Chappie needs to be taught like a baby. Deon & Yolandi help try to teach Chappie right from wrong, but Ninja & America want his help in repaying this debt to Hippo. It almost felt like 'District 9' with a kid.
The story is amazingly written out, directed, acted, and I cannot say enough great things about it BUT the wrong characters die; I'm not spoiling anything just saying that. It really pissed me off to the point I'm docking it a star #SorryNotSorry.
You'll laugh, cry, yell (inside if you're watching it at the theaters), but most importantly you gain so much respect for this director and his craft. Neill Blomkamp is amazing, and this movie better be nominated for special effects at the 2016 Academy Awards.