So the premise is J.Paul Getty I was a billionaire in the 70s. He made his billions by being the first to get oil from Eastern Asia to the US on HUGE ships. He had that oil turned to gasoline. And boom BILLIONS! Plus instead of spending his money he put it into a charitable trust and invested in artwork, homes, and etc. Again BILLIONS!
Of course the trailer tells you he refused to pay the $17million ransom demanded for his grandson Paul. What I was pissed off about was how these random kidnappers were MAD the ransom wasn't paid. A few said it was OWED to them. Um you don't work, you kidnap a kid from a wealthy family, and you think you're ENTITLED to something? I didn't get it. Also Mark Wahlberg was played up as this sexy hunk with a ton of butt shots and him looking super sexy...why? Michelle Williams as Abigail Getty (Paul's mom) and Christopher Plummer as J.Paul I CARRIED this movie. Charlie Plummer as Paul did a great job though I will admit. I just didn't get the motivation of the kidnappers and Mark Wahlberg's butt. And there were scenes that happened but didn't explain how we arrived here...for example how Paul got kidnapped. I have other detailed examples but I don't want to provide a spoiler.
Overall it WAS good, but just not the emotional slamdunk I was hoping for. It felt like a kid excited to tell you a big secret then rushing to the end.
Look for Michelle and Christopher to get Oscar nods.