"The Greatest Showman" is the story of a poor tailor's son who dreams of a life better than what he's use to. He ends up creating the first circus and uses bad press to fuel his obsession not to exploit the lives of others, but to enhance them. In doing my research it was common practice to sell your child to the circus if they had any deformities. COMMON PRACTICE! PT gave them a home and told them "people are gonna stare, why not make money off that?"
This movie has everything from a love story, story of triumph, villain (on a large scale), and sad moments. But it's more hopeful and Hugh Jackman is perfectly cast. Although Michelle Williams is great I feel she's not PERFECT for the role...she's good just I could see maybe Nicole Kidman in the role. And Zac Efron and Zendaya have what I call "the slow burn" in cinema love story. You build in the story to LOVE them together. But the scene stealer for me was Keala Settle as the bearded lady. I wanted to see everything about her and all the time. And that singing voice WOW!
Worth a viewing. I give it 4 out of 5. I liked it alot, but dunno why I didn't love it. The soundtrack was three words: Ah, mah, zing. I'm done!