
Movie poster shows a woman in the ocean swimming to the right. Below her is a large shark, and only its head and open mouth with teeth can be seen. Within the image is the film's title and above it in a surrounding black background is the phrase "The most terrifying motion picture from the terrifying No. 1 best seller." The bottom of the image details the starring actors and lists credits and the MPAA rating.
I decided to watch "Jaws" because I didn't really remember it. BOY was I pissed off. 3 stars out of 5.

It's not even that the shark wasn't realistic because it was. The story was TERRIBLE. 

So Roy Scheider plays a local sheriff that responds to a shark attack on his little beach town. He tries closing the beach TWICE but the townspeople protest him. When a little boy dies from a shark attack the mother slaps HIM for...not closing the beach. (flaw number one) 

When Roy and Robert Shaw (a fishing bounty hunter) go out hunting for Jaws, Roy's character decides to call the Coast Guard to get help getting out of...THEIR SINKING BOAT! But Robert smashes the radio...FOR NO REASON! 

I was so friggin pissed off after I got done. Can someone make a realistic shark movie? Please!

...my older posts