Let me start off by saying I was SURPRISED by the selection of Hannah B aka Hannah Brown. I LIKED her in Colton's season of The Bachelor, but wanted Caelynn SOOOOOOOO badly to be the next Bachelorette. Having said that I decided to watch not cuz I wanted to see her fail, but I have only watched 3 seasons in total of the entire Bachelor franchise (The Bachelorette Season 10, The Bachelor Season 23, and this season of The Bachelorette).
Where to begin???? So my front runner from the beginning was Tyler C aka Tyler Cameron. Yes yes he's hot. ASIDE from that he was a gentleman. And on his one-on-ones with Hannah he looked her IN THE EYES when he talked or listened to her. That's not a guy on the show to be famous....(coughs Jed). I thought Luke P aka Luke Parker was OK but I didn't LOVE him. P
ilot Pete aka Pete Weber SHOOKETH ME! NEVER IN A BAJILLION YEARS did I think he would pick Hannah OR ANY WOMAN up, throw them onto a pool table and make out with them. Or pin her up against the wall and snog her (snog is what British say for make out. Yup I'm worldly). I was shoooooooooooooooooooocked! And it immediately made Tyler second in my mind to Peter. Although both Tyler and Peter never got involved in the Luke P drama, I just felt like Peter was the balance Hannah needed. Yes Hannah is a former beauty queen, but Hannah said "I wouldn't even think a guy like Tyler would be interested in me." WE ALL FELT THAT FOR OURSELVES! You know that random hot guy that likes you and you think "Dafuq is he thinking?" When Tyler C walks into a room women AND men turn their heads. I think if Hannah chose him she'd always feel insecure no matter how secure Tyler made her feel in their relationship. Pilot Pete doesn't turn heads necessarily, but his personality makes him so sexy. She wouldn't have to worry about insecurities because he's got that lowkey hotness. Tyler C is fuckboy material, Pilot Pete is husband material (women & gay men, you know what I mean).
Big Mike aka Mike Johnson LORDT! That man is just wow. He's an exact mashup of Pete and Tyler...he'll be that married dad at soccer games EVERY mom wants to have sex with.
Kevin never really connected with Hannah unfortunately.
I will NEVER get over how Luke S aka Luke Stone went home. NEVER! He was the sweetest guy ever.
Garrett Powell really shocked me too. Garrett was a tall southern pro golfer. He stated early on he's Christian...but not in the way Luke P did. What really made me crush on Garrett was the naked bungee jump. AFTER THAT Garrett came outta his shell. He felt more comfortable with Hannah and he spoke up to Luke P. (I follow him on social media and his old man FaceApp pic is kinda cute too) I loved how sarcastic he is without being a dick. HILARIOUS!
Cam was a HHHHHHHHHHHOT mess. And don't get me started on Scott. And then the other two...ugh
Jed Wyatt...sigh. Okay at first Jed was sexy with his guitar and mediocre singing. It was cute at the talent show....AT THE TALENT SHOW! Then he kept bringing the damn guitar everywhere. THEN he admitted to Hannah "when I first came on the show I only did it for my music career, but then I started to like you." Hannah sent Luke S home because Luke P lied saying "oh he's here to get his beverage company off the ground." Hannah expressly stated she didn't want anyone there for the wrong reasons. His admission was not romantic at all. AND THEN to hear he had a girlfriend up to the day of casting. Unlike Pilot Pete whose thirsty ex he broke up with FIVE MONTHS before entering the mansion Jed was texting his ex the day before entering the mansion. Even after his admission he kept playing is friggin guitar. HELLO! And his family all but told Hannah to run.
Then there's Luke P. UGH JUST UGH! I'm not saying ugh for the reasons you think. Luke P gives me mixed feelings. On the show I hated him. Day one something about his eyes I didn't trust him. Then he lied, gaslit Hannah, and caused so much unnecessary drama in the house. I questioned Hannah's common sense. She not only questioned every guy in the house, but overheard Luke causing drama and STILL kept him. When she sent him home I felt it was strange. So Luke's story was he was a manwhore, Jesus came to him in the shower, and he changed his whole life. He was on the show to meet and marry Hannah. This is all not bad. It's his execution. He PHYSICALLY THREW Luke S on the ground and kneed him in the face, lied about his character, announced daily about his dates with Hannah but got upset when others spoke of their dates, and would say one thing to Hannah then tell her "no that's not what I said." I kept waiting for him to apologize and change. Then at the Men Tell All episode he came clean FINALLY! He admitted all of his shortcomings in detail and apologized. I was so proud...even his social media he did a meet and greet but made it more about benefitting a family in need. UGH I'm so conflicted when it comes to him. (see the UGH) and let's keep it real LUKE IS HOT! It's just what's his deal?????
One more episode left. I personally want her to choose windmill Pilot Pete but I think she'll choose the fame seeking mediocre country singer whose family tried to warn her Jed. I highly doubt she chose Tyler C...or Gigi Hadid wouldn't have followed him on Instagram.
As for Hannah. I still don't like her any more or less than I did. She reacts how I would except the Luke P sitch. And honestly I still don't know WHO DAFUQ she is as a person. Meh...if Mike Johnson is the next Bachelor I will watch but then I'm DONE with Bachelor Nation I swear! hahaha