So I know I vowed to never to listen to Ramiro and Peebles but I love their Hollywood report. I listen to that and turn it off...usually. Today on my ride in I accidentally left it on in the car and was kind of mortified.
Since I don't know him personally I don't know if he's kidding or not but he comes off like a major douche. He said he thought the grandma that was bullied was milking her plight and doesn't deserve money. EXCUSE ME?! If she sued the Public School and these kids parents she would be getting WAY more money. I think she deserves every DONATED penny.
That's the thing. He was like "Im gonna get some teens to tease an old person and videotape it so we can get money." This woman never asked for money nor did she know she was being videotaped. I mean if it comes out that it was all a hoax that's pretty effed up, but I doubt it. Nor did she ASK for money. Someone set this up FOR her.
I just think it's so doucey of him to say that. And more importantly what if that was his mother? This woman was poked at. Teased. Yelled at. They did everything but spit on her. Why the bus driver didn't do anything is beyond me but seriously? And what gets me is if she defended herself these kids parents woulda berated her and sued the school. And Ramiro would've defended the parents because he's a parent. But because she sat there and took their abuse "he doesn't feel bad for her cuz she has money from this experience." WHATEVER DUDE!
It was gut wretching to hear horror stories of teens bullied. Hearing about/seeing adults being bullied was eye opening. Kids will simply do ANYTHING to feel powerful. And I hope the four kids that did this not only learn their lesson but understand what they did and why they need to be punished.
This is Emmy Morgan's blog about TV, movies, music, and a little bit of her personal life :)
the one about Lynette Scavo
So the finale to "Desperate Housewives" has stuck with me for some time. Particularly Lynette's storyline. I'm not going to divulge details if you haven't seen it but Tom says something to her that got me. "You're never satisfied. With me you weren't happy. Without me you weren't happy. WHAT MAKES YOU HAPPY? I'm at a loss."
That's so how I feel right now. I feel like I am in a stable job (I'm gonna move up soon but not immediately) and I am finally saving money yet I'm still...unfulfilled. It's not even about dating someone. That won't make me feel COMPLETE!
I think it could be in regards to me being famous right? Cuz I want my book to sell and be in Hollywood. Nope! I think of what my life will be like and I get all flustered: Where am I gonna live? What about my friends? And my normal routines I like to do?
Gets me anxiety. LOL So I dunno what my cure is. I just know I need to get over myself and just be content with what's going on around my life. I miss Brett too. ALOT! Now that I'm back in Western MA I think about how I would be hanging with him getting him out of the house. I just feel like a piece is missing and it's made me...sluggish.
This is bad because I'm missing out on alot. (shakes self) Shake it off like Mariah :(
That's so how I feel right now. I feel like I am in a stable job (I'm gonna move up soon but not immediately) and I am finally saving money yet I'm still...unfulfilled. It's not even about dating someone. That won't make me feel COMPLETE!
I think it could be in regards to me being famous right? Cuz I want my book to sell and be in Hollywood. Nope! I think of what my life will be like and I get all flustered: Where am I gonna live? What about my friends? And my normal routines I like to do?
Gets me anxiety. LOL So I dunno what my cure is. I just know I need to get over myself and just be content with what's going on around my life. I miss Brett too. ALOT! Now that I'm back in Western MA I think about how I would be hanging with him getting him out of the house. I just feel like a piece is missing and it's made me...sluggish.
This is bad because I'm missing out on alot. (shakes self) Shake it off like Mariah :(
How To Marry A Millionaire
After "Gentlemen Prefer Blondes" the Marilyn itch began. What I love about this movie is it once again is about Girl Power not just Marilyn being sexy.
Her character was JUST as funny as it included physical comedy. Her timing was perfect. She looked great but she deserved an Oscar nod for this movie. Lauren and Betty were good too but once again Marilyn stole the show. SO FUNNY!
Her character was JUST as funny as it included physical comedy. Her timing was perfect. She looked great but she deserved an Oscar nod for this movie. Lauren and Betty were good too but once again Marilyn stole the show. SO FUNNY!
Gentlemen Prefer Blondes
Lately I've been obsessed with classics. This was the first Marilyn movie I watched. THANK GOD I DID!
My impression of Marilyn was a tramp that slept with our former President. Then I watched "My Week with Marilyn" and was like "Hmm maybe she's not so bad." Then I watched this movie. WOW! The things she said and did were hilarious. She played ditzy blond to perfection. WHY did she not win an Oscar in her lifetime?
The quintessential scene "Diamonds Are A Girl's Best Friend" was amazing. I got goose bumps the entire time. SO GOOD! Her voice was so good too. Very sweet. And I loved how she played sexy and vicious at the same time. I had no idea.
Jane Russell was good no doubt, but Marilyn stole the show. I couldn't help but LOVE her character. If you have never viewed a Marilyn picture start with this.
The best part was I went online and she said how much Jane Russell was an asset to her and very nice and sweet. GIRL POWER!
My impression of Marilyn was a tramp that slept with our former President. Then I watched "My Week with Marilyn" and was like "Hmm maybe she's not so bad." Then I watched this movie. WOW! The things she said and did were hilarious. She played ditzy blond to perfection. WHY did she not win an Oscar in her lifetime?
The quintessential scene "Diamonds Are A Girl's Best Friend" was amazing. I got goose bumps the entire time. SO GOOD! Her voice was so good too. Very sweet. And I loved how she played sexy and vicious at the same time. I had no idea.
Jane Russell was good no doubt, but Marilyn stole the show. I couldn't help but LOVE her character. If you have never viewed a Marilyn picture start with this.
The best part was I went online and she said how much Jane Russell was an asset to her and very nice and sweet. GIRL POWER!
Abraham Lincoln: Vampire Hunter
For every person that didn't see this movie and LIKES this genre shame on you. It was soooooooo good for what it was. It will prob not win any Oscars but I guarantee it won't win a Razzie either.
The story is simple: Abe Lincoln's mom was killed by vampires so he goes hunting for them. WHY is this so weird? Heard of Buffy the Vampire Slayer? This is just as original. The more I moved away from it the more I appreciated it.
This will be one of those cult movies that years from now we keep asking ourselves "Why didn't this make more at the box office?" As I was watching I kept thinking the lead actor sexy Benjamin Walker (Meryl Streep's son-in-law) looked like a young Liam Neeson.
The acting was on point. Storyline was good. What's the problem?
The story is simple: Abe Lincoln's mom was killed by vampires so he goes hunting for them. WHY is this so weird? Heard of Buffy the Vampire Slayer? This is just as original. The more I moved away from it the more I appreciated it.
This will be one of those cult movies that years from now we keep asking ourselves "Why didn't this make more at the box office?" As I was watching I kept thinking the lead actor sexy Benjamin Walker (Meryl Streep's son-in-law) looked like a young Liam Neeson.
The acting was on point. Storyline was good. What's the problem?
The Debt
"The Debt" starring Jessica Chastin, Helen Mirren, Sam Worthington, and Tom Wilkinson was good don't get me wrong, but very slow moving.
After I got done watching it I was like "it's good but what was the point?" I know you shouldn't look for meaning in movies, but I wasn't fully fulfilled afterwards.
After I got done watching it I was like "it's good but what was the point?" I know you shouldn't look for meaning in movies, but I wasn't fully fulfilled afterwards.
Going into this movie I was thinking it would be more "Aliens" but it's not. It's "Aliens vs. Predator" meets "Pitch Black." The premise that there are beings out there that may have created US is pretty original.
The actors did amazing jobs. Noomi Rapace (whom won the Swedish Oscar for "Girl with the Dragon Tattoo) is the lead and Charlize Theron is supporting. That's the one thing that surprised me. Charlize woulda KILLED it as the lead (whom in my opinion is Nicole Kidman with range) and as I was leaving I thought "I bet they offered her the lead and she said no." And don't even get me started with Idiris Elba. He's so smooth and cool it's like he's not even acting just being videotaped. He too didn't have a huge part, but still.
There are scenes that made me cringe. I closed my eyes praying the grossness would be over. Let's just say the ick factor is WAY up, but not how you think. The monsters aren't even as huge of a presence. It's the suspense that got me.
Definitely worth seeing if you like this genre/franchise.
The actors did amazing jobs. Noomi Rapace (whom won the Swedish Oscar for "Girl with the Dragon Tattoo) is the lead and Charlize Theron is supporting. That's the one thing that surprised me. Charlize woulda KILLED it as the lead (whom in my opinion is Nicole Kidman with range) and as I was leaving I thought "I bet they offered her the lead and she said no." And don't even get me started with Idiris Elba. He's so smooth and cool it's like he's not even acting just being videotaped. He too didn't have a huge part, but still.
There are scenes that made me cringe. I closed my eyes praying the grossness would be over. Let's just say the ick factor is WAY up, but not how you think. The monsters aren't even as huge of a presence. It's the suspense that got me.
Definitely worth seeing if you like this genre/franchise.
The Vow
The Vow starring Channing Tatum and Rachel McAdams. Yes please.
Romantic chick flick? Check. Sweeping love story? Check. Good storyline? Check. Good acting? Wellllll
In Channing's effort to be multifaceted I think he was miscast. This woulda been a perfect movie for Chris Evans or Ryan Gosling (sorry I know they are exes). Channing just doesn't have range. He plays angry action very well. His angry romantic seems forced. I loves looking at him, but let's call a spade a spade boo boo.
Rachel's acting...duh. It's like she's acting and saying "hello catch up." I'm surprised she's not had an Oscar nom yet to be honest.
Romantic chick flick? Check. Sweeping love story? Check. Good storyline? Check. Good acting? Wellllll
In Channing's effort to be multifaceted I think he was miscast. This woulda been a perfect movie for Chris Evans or Ryan Gosling (sorry I know they are exes). Channing just doesn't have range. He plays angry action very well. His angry romantic seems forced. I loves looking at him, but let's call a spade a spade boo boo.
Rachel's acting...duh. It's like she's acting and saying "hello catch up." I'm surprised she's not had an Oscar nom yet to be honest.
Snow White and the Huntsman
This takes the Disney character and mixes it with Grimm. So Snow White is the princess whom Ravenna hates because she is more beautiful...then you get an explanation as to why beauty is so important to Ravenna. Then you see a romance brewing...then BOOM all stops. There is a hint of a romance. A hint of humanity in Ravenna. But all is overshadowed by the story, special effects, and fighting.
My only quib about this movie is it left so many things unanswered. Will there be a sequel? If not it didn't tie up a few things for me. GRRRRR
Most impressive was KStew. I def saw some of Bella-acting (which is not a good thing), but also she pushed herself. You know acted out of her range of Emo! Def better than Mirror, Mirror but the evil queens in both were AMAH-ZING!
Battle Force
I definitely liked the concept that this is a true story and set in wartime against the Nazis. It's shot more like a big screen movie than a documentary like others of its kind would be.
The acting and all but ONE were good. If you watch you will DEF see the man who sticks out like a sore thumb because his acting is SO bad. The storyline was kind of hard to follow. I figured the basic plot, but the intricacies that make this a movie were confusing.
One thing I love about war movies are the extras are ALWAYS hot. Here the extras and the leads were good looking, but it definitely felt like the blind leading the blind.
Scott Martin wrote, directed, and starred in this movie. He did a great job for his first major efforts that's for sure. With a few movies under his belt I'm positive he's going to be a major player....and he himself is pretty gorgeous too.
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At first blush this seems like another stupid B-movie right? Hot guy Travis Van Winkle and equally hot John Bregar are roommates whom agree to an experiment to get money for spring break trip.
Well guess what? It's actually not only well acted but written well. Without giving away too much plot think an experiment gone wrong. No it's not going to win any Oscars but it shouldn't be nominated for Razzies. It's FAR superior to some of the dribble that DOES make it to theaters (I'm talking to you Shark Night and Piranha). Granted there are moments I yelled at my screen. But it wasn't horrible.
If you want a good scary "Zombie" movie give this a try. You'll be entertained.
Win Win

the greatly underrated Paul Giamatti plays a lawyer whom coaches a wrestling team. Well he also takes care of an elder man with Demetia whose grandson comes to town. This is no ordinary kid. He's smart, street smart, and quiet. With hair blond as Eminem and a fire just below the surface he forever changes Paul's life as coach and his family life (he's married to the equally brilliant Amy Ryan).
It may be slow moving but you never take your eyes off the screen. SO GOOD!
Dark Shadows

I expected this to be entertaining and it was. I don't remember the 70s show it was created from, but I enjoyed the movie. Basically Johnny Depp can do no wrong especially with Tim Burton at the helm.
The story was a bit farfetched but I liked that it was grounded in reality. I liked it enough that I watched the entire thing and never was bored. :)
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