So the finale to "Desperate Housewives" has stuck with me for some time. Particularly Lynette's storyline. I'm not going to divulge details if you haven't seen it but Tom says something to her that got me. "You're never satisfied. With me you weren't happy. Without me you weren't happy. WHAT MAKES YOU HAPPY? I'm at a loss."
That's so how I feel right now. I feel like I am in a stable job (I'm gonna move up soon but not immediately) and I am finally saving money yet I'm still...unfulfilled. It's not even about dating someone. That won't make me feel COMPLETE!
I think it could be in regards to me being famous right? Cuz I want my book to sell and be in Hollywood. Nope! I think of what my life will be like and I get all flustered: Where am I gonna live? What about my friends? And my normal routines I like to do?
Gets me anxiety. LOL So I dunno what my cure is. I just know I need to get over myself and just be content with what's going on around my life. I miss Brett too. ALOT! Now that I'm back in Western MA I think about how I would be hanging with him getting him out of the house. I just feel like a piece is missing and it's made me...sluggish.
This is bad because I'm missing out on alot. (shakes self) Shake it off like Mariah :(