This movie was perfect on so many levels. It showed a character that wasn't necessarily flawed but just a lil "off" slowly change. And everyone that acted in scenes with Bradley helped prop him by being just as amazing. ESPECIALLY scene stealer Jake McDorman. Before I get into a full-on review here are the supporting cast/cameos: Sienna Miller, Billy Miller (daytime actor), Melissa Hayden (from "Guiding Light" fame), Luke Grimes, Kyle Gallner, Cory Hardict, Keir O'Donnell, Eric Close (from ABC's "Nashville,"), Jonathan Groff (from "Glee" and HBO's "Looking), Sam Jaeger (from "Parenthood"), and so many more. I do have to take note.
There is an actor named James Ryen from social media. He's gorgeous and always posts positivity. Hmm I guess when I see someone on social media list that they're an actor I think "I wonder how good they are." James NAILED it as the guy who whips Bradley Cooper into shape as a sniper AND discovers his gift. I kept thinking to myself "Who is that guy yelling at Bradley Cooper?" It wasn't till I got home and tweeted about it one of James' followers mentioned him and it clicked whom he was. I was very impressed. James WILL be the next big thing guaranteed. Follow James on twitter @JamesRyen! Oh and did I mention the film is directed by THE multi-Oscar winning Clint Eastwood. I mean this movie HAS to work right? Well it does...and it works well.
An American sniper named Chris Kyle's true story of defending our country at the detriment of his family. I know this is based on the book American Sniper: The Autobiography of the Most Lethal Sniper in U.S. Military History ,and I sort of wanna read the book now; ps Kyle has 160 confirmed kills under his belt. CONFIRMED! And before you judge the film didn't portray him as a gun happy sniper. He didn't WANT to kill, he HAD to. BUT I will say there are two tiny details in the movie that bring me out of the movie:
1) when Sienna & Brad are interact with the baby. It's pretty obvious the baby is 100% fake. I laughed throughout the scene it was so jarring. Spending all this time and money on the movie and can't even get a real baby for the scene? OY
2) Kyle Gallner's character is introduced into this SMALL group, yet he disappears midway
through the movie and never mentioned again.
My only two faults but it's still amazing. I see Oscars and plenty of awards in 2016 for this movie. Clint is back, folks. And in a BIG way!
Storywise I'm so annoyed. I don't want to give away any spoilers but I HATE when ppl meet you and respect you as one way, but then when how you are inconveniences THEM later on they gotta whine. So basically his job in the Army comes between them ALOT. And she doesn't in ANY WAY seem to try to grasp it. I felt like saying "Hunty, you have no idea what he's seen or done. HAVE PATIENCE AND QUIT NAGGING HIM!" I was legit angry. And some things happened SHE KNEW about. Why harp on him.
I hate when the year begins and ppl say "Best of the year." IT JUST STARTED! But I will say this I might even see this movie in the theaters again and it's in my top 5 movies of 2015, and maybe all-time.
Update on 1/15/2015
Because the movie was released in LA & NYC it qualifies for the 2015 Academy Awards. Bradley Cooper was nominated for Best Lead Actor, the script was nominated for Adapted Screenplay, and the movie itself. IT WILL WIN BRADLEY COOPER HIS FIRST OSCAR! Sorry Michael Keaton. Bradley Cooper was amazing!!!! I'm sad none of the other cast nor Clint were nominated though.