This comedy is co-created by Denis Leary, comedian and guy behind "Rescue Me." It's about an EMT "house" with three leads. The insanely funny Kevin Daniels (whom I think is Laverne Cox's long lost brother they look SO MUCH alike) as the openly gay Henry "Hank;" Michael Mosley (swoon) plays Danny the heterosexual LGBT ally guy afraid of commitment but not exactly a player (you will find out why and it's pretty good how they handled it), and lastly the adorable Kevin Bigley as newbie Brian who is a spiritual good guy that just wants to fit in. Rounding out the cast are Lenny Clark, Loretta Devine, and my favorite supporting player Josh Segarra. Josh plays Billy a transfer cop who works with Danny's cop girlfriend Theresa (Jessica McNamee).
Hands down Hank is my favorite character. The way the writers write him they set him up for stereotypical situations but then go the opposite. For example Hank got an invite to his ex-boyfriend's wedding. Instead of the three gay men scratching each other's eyes out and being catty they all talked maturely and wrapped up that portion of Hank SO BEAUTIFULLY! Another example of non-cliche writing is Danny & Theresa's relationship. Although Danny is afraid of commitment she stays with him because she loves him and knows something deeper is going on. When you find out what it is you see why Theresa sticks around (plus Michael Mosley plays Danny like every woman's and gay man's dream guy: sensitive, funny, a bit of an alpha male, and sweet; and something about Michael Mosley's guy next door sexiness hooks you in). My second favorite character is Billy. To say Josh Segarra is funny is an understatement. He plays the Puerto Rican version of Joey Tribbani from "Friends." A little dim but means well. And when he starts in spanish you cannot stop laughing. I don't know if Josh is spanish in real life but his delivery is perfect. Yes Josh is hot but he's more funny...and he does have a great bum (you see a glimpse in an's BIG too then everytime Billy has black pants on you just stare).
All-in-all this show is an original take on typical characters. AND if you follow @SirenUSA @KevinDDaniels on twitter they reply back to you. Even @ScottHegland, who plays a date for Theresa is sweet. This guy doesn't even have any lines in the show and he's the sweetest most humble guy on Twitter.
Hopefully USA keeps this show around because for me it's one of my favorites.