Blake Lively has fallen out of the spotlight since "Gossip Girl" ended. She auditioned to be Daisy Buchanan in The Great Gatsby, met Leo, dated Leo, broke up with Leo, then met Ryan Reynolds. They got married and had a baby. Then this movie came. I didn't even hear she was doing anything. Number One she looked FLAWLESS. In every shot of the movie this woman LOOKED like a movie star. They chose the right actress. And Michel Huisman (from "Nashville" and "Game of Thrones") oozes sex appeal just by smiling. The two have so much chemistry if you look at the movie poster that's their heat melting it WOW
The story is about Adaline, born in 1908. She leads a pretty normal life with a middle classed family. She gets married and has a child. At 29 her life changes when she gets into a car accident and dies. A bolt of lightning hits her car and defibrillates her heart making her ageless. Over the next 8 decades she loves, tries raising her daughter, and then runs from love. She learns languages, acquires wealth, does all kinds of jobs, and has to move when ppl start noticing her not age while her daughter does. Finally in 2014 she decides to stop running and goes to a New Year's Eve party where she meets Ellis (Michel Huisman). And so begins the story of the ageless woman who wants to actually love someone. There are twists and turns, but I won't spoil. The only sad part is she legit ONLY has chemistry with Ellis. Of course showing her other loves none of them have the electric chemistry these two have...which says a lot because Ellis comes off a stalker. Half Edward Cullen/Half Jacob Black. You definitely root for these two but at the same time he's pretty forceful.
Harrison Ford & Kathy Baker are Ellis' parents while Ellen Burstyn plays Adaline's adult daughter. You will not be disappointed you saw this original movie. It plays like a book adaptation, but fills in all the blanks perfectly. The one thing I felt was awful was really Ellis' forcefulness. Otherwise the movie was a perfect movie. Shoulda been released on Valentine's Day though, but whatever still enjoyed it. It's close to $50million which is double it's $25million budget. Hope it gets there :) Great job, Blake!!!
Oh and Anthony Ingruber plays one of Blake's lost loves. They have a tiny bit of chemistry but I mention him because you need to watch him here. He does AMAZING impressions of actors. He's tall, Australian, and talented. What more do you need to know.