Terminator Genysis

I loved this movie for its incredible effort. Not just to live up to the other movies, but to stand out on its own. Even at its most confusing it still beats half the futuristic, action crap out there (I'm talking to you Lucy). Keep reading...
Arnold is back as the future Terminator to help destroy his younger self while helping Sarah Connor take down the creators of Genysis, which is a computer program that takes over the world. Jai Courtney & Emilia Clarke star as Reese & Sarah Connor (Sean Connor's future parents) while Jason Clarke stars as Sean Connor. It's so confusing I can't even begin to understand, but in the end we know what happens. Jai & Emilia have next to zero chemistry. But Arnold was hilarious. I won't spoil how Arnold's real role, but it's a tailor made role.

Check it out. I give it 4 out of 5 stars.

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