Say what you want about "The Dark Tower," but I kinda liked it...
Matthew McConaughey plays Walter aka the Man in Black (equivalent to worse than the Devil). His goal is to use the minds of children to take down the Dark Tower. The Dark Tower is a structure that keeps all other dimensions from seeing each other. And what happens in one dimension echoes throughout the others. The Man in Black's quest can only be foiled by Gunslingers with the last one being Roland aka Idris Elba. One Walter's powers is he can control the minds of people EXCEPT Roland.
Jake (Tom Taylor) is the first kid to actually be able to see The Dark Tower before being transporting into Mid-World (where Walter and Roland are). Turns out Jake's powers are STRONG and with just him alone he can take down the tower. Of course Roland protects him from Walter.
The thing I DIDN'T like about the movie is it continues the tradition of school bullies and the kid who defends himself getting in trouble AND parents not believing their kids. THAT IRKS ME! This isn't 1981; we are more intelligent and advanced as an audience, but I know there's a such thing as dramatic license. I just hate that it's still being used as to move plot along.
Now I didn't read the Stephen King books it's based on, but as far as films go I liked it. Apparently it's been panned so bad it might not have sequels. I hope it does. I'd love to see this movie do more in its franchise. I'd give it 4 stars.