"The Hitman's Bodyguard" is an action-packed, buddy film that gets 4 stars outta 5...and the director Patrick Hughes is HOT! Keep reading...
The movie begins with director Patrick Hughes giving a hilarious intro...but when I say the women and gay men SWOONED upon seeing the director I mean SWOOOOON! And that sets up this movie of unexpected twists.
Samuel L. Jackson is a hitman who has to testify in Amsterdam against the world's worst President (Gary Oldman)...even worse than Trump. Of course this means there's a target on Samuel's head. In comes Ryan Reynolds as a washed up Interpol agent asked by a former flame to get Samuel to the courthouse safely to testify against Gary. And Salma Hayek is mixed in as Samuel's wife who gets sent to prison because of him.
I cannot love this movie enough. My own complaint is Ryan Reynolds KEEPS playing the same character. Sarcastic. One dial. I still love him as an actor, but again just one button on that acting dial. It's nice that he's matched by Samuel though.
Worth seeing in the theater.