There isn't much to say. The Barden Bellas are out of college, in the real world, and not doing much of anything till Aubrey suggests they tour the USO for the troops. They do and meet two other bands that play their own instruments and write their own songs. While at the USO DJ Khaled is looking for an opening act for his tour thus begins the three bands fighting for the top spot. It's predictable, it's funny, and it's everything you expect in the Pitch Perfect series. I loved it.
A few stories feel rushed and some holes unfilled but still a good movie. The message: don't give up on your dreams AND family isn't only through your bloodlines. GREAT message.
I don't want to spoil anymore but I will say I felt like this was an end of an era, like when "Glee" ended. I hope all the Bella fans go out and support the movie. Especially with Hollywood the way it is kinda nice to see an all female LEAD cast coming out with a kickass movie.