Storm Reid is the find of the century. She's beautiful like Zendaya, but can act like Meryl Streep. AMAZING talent. Oprah Winfrey, Mindy Kaling, Reese Witherspoon, Zach Galifianakis, Chris Pine, and another BRILLIANT child actor Deric McCabe! The trust bonds between these thespians was inspiring. I bought every relationship with 100% certainty.
But the story itself made me so angry. It did not match the acting or visuals. It not for Ava DuVernay seeing how BEAUTIFUL this movie could be I would've walked out of the theater. My eyes popped even when my brain hurt.
Without spoilers the movie is about a little girl named Meg Murry (Storm) who along with her brother Charles Wallace (Deric) step into another dimension by simply believing they can. They go there to find their father (Chris) who has disappeared for 4 years. They get help from the 3 Mrs. (Reese, Mindy, and Oprah). Sounds exciting right? It was the execution that was lackluster. Hell even the title is misleading...AND some of the scenes from the trailer aren't even in the movie.
I am absolutely sure the book it's based on was so complex and amazing, but this script did not do it justice. I want to read the book just to see what the screenwriter tried to do. UGH I'm so mad.